Starting your own nonprofit? Here are 3 exercises to help you plan more effectively.

You are passionate, driven, and excited to pursue your dream of starting your own nonprofit. You want to make an impact on an issue that has a deep and powerful meaning to you. So, what are strategies you can use to build a strategic vision and create an effective structure for your organization? As a professional with years of experience working in the nonprofit sector, I know how challenging management can be. There are many reasons that nonprofits fail to take off or lack impact. I have experienced many of these failures in either starting my own nonprofit or working for other organizations. In the process, I have learned difficult lessons about the importance of clear forethought and strategy in building an effective org. In this article I will walk through three simple exercises you can use to maximize your nonprofit’s long-run impact.

1) Theory of Change

First, we will talk about is the Theory of Change model. This tool helps you clarify your intentions, expected outcomes, and your actions. The DIY Toolkit has a useful Theory of Change template you can use to get started. Filling in the template can help you make a roadmap for your future actions. Doing this exercise will help you understand what outcomes you want to see and figure out how to measure your nonprofit’s success. Doing this exercise can even help you better define your approach and reasoning for your organization. Finally, you should do it because having a thought-out theory increases the chances that you will get results that have the greatest meaning to you.

2) Business Model Canvas 

Second is the business model canvas. It is easy to become overwhelmed by managing the day-to-day of your nonprofit. Maintaining sight of the resources you need for your organization to flow and function is challenging. The Business Model Canvas is a one-page tool that visualizes the basic logic of how a nonprofit delivers value. Strategyzer has a detailed website about the Business Model Canvas with free downloadable templates you can use. Similar to the Theory of Change, this tool is helpful in thinking through your approach to organizational development. This is because it helps you think through how your nonprofit delivers services, establishes partnerships, finds funding, and more.

3) SWOT Analysis

Lastly, lets talk about the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. A SWOT analysis is one of the most useful strategies to determine your next steps. Mind Tools has a free template which guides you through the process. This tool provides you develop objective insight into your organization’s current state. It shows you how to use opportunities to build, expand, and shape your nonprofit. Many nonprofits use it when they go on annual retreats or are confronted with challenging decisions. By using it from the start, you will better learn how to leverage your organization’s strengths.

Finally, now that I have shared these strategies, I would love to hear from you.

Please let me know in the comments below if you found any of these useful and if there are any tools you would recommend to other nonprofit leaders.